Eligibility Criteria

  1. Nominations must be received by 15 December in the year of nomination.
  2. If you are nominating a Para Athlete, the athlete’s Classification is required.
  3. The final decision will be at the discretion of the Sports Darling Downs committee.

IMPORTANT: After submitting your nomination, you must also send a text message to 0448 978 942 containing your name, the nominee's name and the category.

Nominations for the Sports Darling Downs Awards can be made by completing the form below:

(* denotes required field)

Nominee's Details:
* Category:
* Name:
* Address:    Phone number:
* Email address:
* Sport (if applicable):
  Para Classification:   (if applicable)

Your Details:
* Name:
* Email:    Phone number:

* Nominee's achievements in the current year:

If your nomination is for School of the Year, please submit the following additional information:

School Details:
* Number of Students at the school:
* Grades taught at school (eg. Prep – Year 12):
* Total number of Darling Downs Representatives:
* Total number of Queensland Representatives:
* Total number of Australian Representatives:
* School Team Results:

* Special school programs or initiatives:

Any final school comments:

You will receive an email confirming you have sent this Nomination.

IMPORTANT: After submitting your nomination, you must also send a text message to 0448 978 942 containing your name, the nominee's name and the category.